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Inauguration – Batticaloa Batch 04 (Socioeconomic Reintegration of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers Project)

The inauguration session was held on 22 st November 2022 at Green Garden hotel Batticaloa. Ms. Sriyani Ekanayake, National Project Coordinator, Mr. Shevendra Wijemanna, Project Assistant have participated for the event from ILO and Mr. Tilan Wijesooriya, Assistant Secretary General, Mr. Indika Padukka, National Project Coordinator also participated the event from FCCISL. In addition, District officer of Ministry of Foreign Affair has also participated the event. The 20 students were selected for the course; however, 17 students have presented the inauguration on that day.

Ms. Sriyani Ekanayake, Mr. Tilan Wijesooriya and Officer of the Foreign Bureau have addressed the Audience. The event was well organized by District NAITA office.